| Azotowa 15b | 41-503 Chorz
ów |
Poland | Tel./fax. 32 2899674 | email: [email protected] | www.mijar.eu |
5. Regeneration
does not start
automatically, and
does not starts after
manual initiation
No power supply or faulty electrical power
Check electrical connections - fuses, plug, switch.
If necessary, regenerate the device manually
Damaged engine
Replace engine
6. Water softener
provides hard water
but there is less and
less salt in brine
Water test has been made by the device
dedicated to test KH (carbonate hardness)
Test the water hardness by device dedicated to test total
hardness of water GH
Too little water in the brine tank
Increase the time of refilling the water in brine tank (unscrew
the back side of steering valve)
Improperly connected softener
Check the softener connections. IN
raw water inlet, OUT
treated water outlet (see picture 2 page 7)
The control valve does not draw brine
See the problem 11 - the device does not suck (draws) brine
Softener during regeneration
Wait until the regeneration ends
No salt in brine tank or not enough salt in
brine tank
Prepare a brine solution in a bucket (about 1.5 kg of salt per
6 liters of hot water and mix to dissolve in). Pour the brine
into the brine tank and manually start the regeneration. If
water after regeneration is still hard, replace the resin. Refill
the salt in the brine tank after regeneration.
Salt level in the brine tank should always be above the water
The drain is clogged. Softener instead of
sucking brine during the "Brine" cycle, is
pouring water into the tank with the salt.
Then the brine is pouring through the
overflow on the side of the softener
-Check the drain hose. If it is bent, collapsed broken or
clogged, remove the hose from the drain pipe. Check if
nothing is blocking it. Clean the drainage, if necessary,
replace the hose
- Make sure nothing is blocking the sewage pipe, clean the
Clogged restrictor DLFC - the device does
not draw brine, while pouring water into the
brine tank (water level at the height of the
overflow elbow)
Clean the DLFC restrictor
The decrease in ion exchange capacity of the
Replace the resin
The resin loss
See problem 14
„R ”
A leak in the central pipe
Check if the central pipe (distribution pipe) is well set, not
cracked, or flattened (due to using hot water in softener)
Resin is exhausted because of too much
water consumption
Softener is too small for such a large water consumption.
Change the softener for a larger one or increase the
frequency of regeneration