Service Model
Service model for installers: Providing a fully working handover, beyond installing.
The system should be looked at as a service opportunity and oǺered as more than just an
This would include but not be exclusive to:
Setting up of user account, credentials, tariǺ information and Gateway
Pairing of all devices
Naming of all devices
Grouping of all devices [if speciî ed by customer]
Walk-though of timer setting
Walk-through of Geofencing setting
Tour of browser, including password recovery, change password, change tariǺ etc.
Due to the simplicity of the system this will be start forward but will give you the conî dence
that there will be no post install calls and will give the user conî dence that the system is
working and has been installed correctly. This should be seen as a chargeable service.
There is also the opportunity to oǺer an annual maintenance visit. This will also oǺer an
opportunity to up-sell new additions to the Mi|Home range, but as a minimum cover:
Renaming of any devices
Modiî cation of any timer-related issues
Modiî cation of tariǺ info if required
Fully open/ close each valve
Change valve batteries
Test any sensors [door/ PIR/ smoke]