DA-066MP DA-078 DA-100CP DA-REPEATER DA-606 DA-071 DA-072 DA-073 DA-ROCK1
The DA-066MP Remote Chime Transmitter is used in combination with the wireless DA-078 Remote Plug-in Chime(s) in applications
where more chimes are wanted in more rooms/areas. Unlimited quantities may be used.
The DA-100CP Long Distance Remote Chime is actually a self-contained Control Panel/Receiver that receives a signal from up to
1000 feet of any of Mier’s wireless Sensor/Transmitters, or a DA-REPEATER, and provides a pleasant tone as an alert. It also includes
volume control.
The DA-REPEATER can be attached to a DA-700 or DA-500 Control Panel/Receiver and repeats the signal to other wireless Control
Panel/Receivers (DA-100CP, DA-700CP) up to 1000 feet away, or up to 3/4-mile with the use of a DA-660 Antenna (see previous
The DA-606LK Wireless Light Kit comes with a DA-606 Timer Control, one DA-071 Light-Switch, and one DA-072 Lamp Module.
Any number and combination of light-switches and lamp modules may be used. For heavy-duty applications the DA-073 Heavy-
Duty Outlet includes a top receptacle that handles up to a maximum of 1800 watts or maximum of 15 amps.
The DA-ROCK1 is a popular accessory with all of our wireless systems, and is used to hide the DA-610 Sensor
DA-655 DA-500LKA DA-052V DA-505 DA-505W DA-050
The Hard-Wired DA-655 Chime with Volume Control is our most popular accessory for the model DA-500 Drive-Alert in Drive-up
Window or business applications!
The DA-500LKA is a set of Form C Dry Contacts that can be attached to the DA-700 or DA-500 Control Panels.
The DA-052V Whistle with Volume Control – is used with the DA-700 when a second whistle is desired (hard-wired installation)
The Hard-Wired DA-505 Timer Control will turn on 10 amps of lights, sirens or bells from 1-45 minutes. The DA-505 unit simply plugs
into a 120 VAC outlet and contains its own receptacle to provide power to lights or alarms.
The Hard-Wired DA-505 Timer Control will turn on lights, sirens or bells from 1-45 minutes. The DA-505W is a “stand alone” unit that
gets its power from the Drive-Alert, and provides a N.O., timed, dry contact to switch a load (lights, contactors, bells, etc) rated at 10
amps, 120 volts AC. The DA-505W is a terrific intermediate interface with a “healthy” large relay within, that may be used to control
other functions such as triggering a large commercial lighting contactor, billboards, holiday lights, etc.
The DA-050 Power Pack is a replacement power-pack/transformer for the Drive-Alerts.
If your Drive-Alert accessories do not look like these, you may have older models. Please call Mier’s free tech support line at 800-473-0213
Summary of Contents for Drive-Alert DA-700
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