C h ang ing th e tem p er atu r e
If y our recipe req uires a temperature
w hich is different from the
recommended temperature for that
function y ou can use the temperature
selector to change it w ithin a given
range. The temperature can be
changed in increments of 5° C .
F u nc tio n
T em p er atu r e
r ang e
F an plus
30 – 250 ° C
Intensive bake
50 – 250 ° C
C onventional
30 – 280 ° C
B ottom heat
100 – 280 ° C
F an grill
50 – 260 ° C
F ull grill
200 – 300 ° C
E conomy grill
200 – 300 ° C
D efrost
R apid heat-up
30 – 250 ° C
T em p er atu r e ind ic ato r
tem p er atu r e ind ic ato r lig h t
w ill
appear nex t to the temperature in the
display . The indicator light is alw ay s on
w hen the heating is on.
W hen the set temperature is reached,
– the oven heating sw itches off.
– the temperature indicator light goes
– a buz z er w ill sound, if this option is
selected (see chapter "S ettings
P 2
H ow ever, if the temperature falls below
the set temperature, the oven heating
and the temperature indicator light w ill
sw itch on again.
P r e-h eating
Most dishes can be placed in a cold
oven. They w ill then make use of the
heat produced during the heating-up
It is only necessary to pre-heat the oven
in a few instances:
W ith
F an p lu s
– pre-heating may be necessary for
foods w hich cook in less than 20
minutes and for foods such as puff
pastries and y east mix tures w here
instant heat is req uired to make them
rise q uickly .
– for roasting beef/fillet.
W ith
C o nv entio nal
– it is usually necessary to pre-heat the
– for roasting beef/fillet.
D o not use R apid heat-up
pre-heat the oven w hen baking
piz z as or biscuits and small cakes.
They w ill brow n too q uickly .
To pre-heat the oven:
S elect R apid heat-up
and set a
W hen the temperature indicator light
goes out for the first time, set the
oven function y ou req uire for
continued cooking or baking, and
place the food in the oven.
O p er atio n