In the “CB” position, the unit operates as a transceiver. You can use the PA (public address)
function only if you connect a speaker to the PA jack (“PA” visualized on the display). In this case
the “MIC” knob controls the amplification level.
8. FUNC button
With the SCAN button, you can:
visualize the operative frequency, (if you keep pressing the button for 3 seconds approx.), or
the channel in use;
activate the second functions of the “M” (M1/M5) buttons.
M1 / M2 / M3 / M4 / M5:
ALAN 48 EXCEL D80 has the possibility to store and to recall, when necessary, 5 channels
previously memorized.
To memorize one channel, follow the herebelow procedure:
A) Select the channel with the appropriate selector or the “UP/DN” buttons on the microphone;
B) Push the “FUNC” button: the display will show “F”;
C) Keep pressing the “M1/EMG” button for 3 seconds: you will hear a “BIP” and the display will
show “M1”.
To memorize the other preset, repeat these steps and select another memory different from 1.
To recall a channel previously stored, push the “FUNC” switch and the button of the desired
These buttons have two functions; herebelow you will find their descriptions:
9. “M1 - EMG” switch
This switch allows the storing of the first memory and the recalling of the 2 emergency channels.
“M1 - EMG” selects sequentially channels 9 / 19 (emergency) and the one in use.
10. “M2 - DW” button
“M2 - DW” stores the choosen channel in the M2 memory and activates the DUAL WATCH. This
function allows the synthonization on two different channels at the same time:
you monitor a second channel and when a signal on the second channel is received, the
conversation on the first is automatically interrupted and the receiver switches on the second
channel. The monitoring starts again 5 seconds after the signal end.
To activate this function, operate as follows:
- Select the desired channel through the channel selector or the “UP/DOWN” buttons on the
- Keep pressed the “DW” button for about 3 seconds: you will hear a “BIP” and “DW” will flash on
the display.
- Select the second channel with the same procedure;
- Press the button “DW” again for roughly 3 seconds: you will hear another “BIP”; the display will
permanently show “DW” and will alternatively visualize the two selected channels.
11. “M3 - SCAN” switch
The two functions of this button are: memorization of the third channel in the M3 memory and
“SCAN” function activation. In this case, you can automatically seek for a busy channel:
turn the squelch clockwise until the background noise is no longer heard;
press the “M3 - SCAN” button: “SCAN” will be shown on the display and the transceiver will
automatically scan all the channels until a carrier is being received.
This function can be deactivated in three ways: pressing the PTT button, turning the channel
selector or simply pushing any other button on the unit.
12. “M4 - AM/FM” button
“M4 - AM/FM” stores the memory number 4 and selects the operative mode (AM/FM). AM: green
LED; FM: red LED.
13. “M5 - LOCK” switch
Pressing this button, you memorise the fifth (last) memory and activate the “LOCK” function (it
allows the locking of the keyboard, channel selector and “UP/DN” buttons on the microphone,
thus avoiding accidental use of the keys).
14. “N.K.” button
Pressing this switch, you activate the reducing noise device (see introduction).
15. “MIC” knob
In TX mode, it controls the microphone amplification.
To get the best results, use the microphone and set the optimum position for both the distance
from your mouth and for the amplification level, asking to your partner when the modulation
comes out better.
16. “RF” knob
It controls the reception sensitivity.
To increase sensitivity, simply turn it clockwise. Sensitivity decreases turning it counterclockwise.
17. “VOL” knob
It allows the switching on of the unit and sets the volume to a comfortable audio level.
18. “Squelch” knob
For the maximum receiver sensivity, the control must be regulated exactly where the receiver
background noise disappears.
19. Antenna connector (SO239 connector type).
20. S.Meter jack: it allows an external “s meter” connection.
21. “PA” jack: by connecting with an external loudspeaker, you can use the unit as an audio-
22.”EXT” jack: external loudspeaker jack (the internal loudspeaker
is excluded).
23. Power 13.2 Vdc: power supply cable.
PTT: transmission button
UP/DOWN buttons: manual channels selector.
6 pin microphone connector
Safety and convenience are the primary consideration for mounting
any piece of mobile equipment. All controls must readily available
Power 13.2 Vdc