MT-FP4060-UV Operating Manual
1.2.2 Print head
printer is assembled with Epson DX5 print head. In order to ensure the ink injection be smooth
and printing be fluent continually, the print head nozzles need to be kept moist always and not clogged. Besides, don’t
let the print head port gets in any water or other liquid, otherwise the print head will get burned down.
When placing the print head, always keep the nozzle side downward.
When make the print head cleaning manually with syringe, please don’t make with too much strength in case to
cause damage to print head. Every print head has 1140 nozzles, which are divided into 8 rows, every row has 180
nozzles. So DX5 has the features like high accuracy and fast speed.
When cleaning the nozzle surface, cotton bud or soft clean cloth is suggested to use.
Don’t scratch the nozzle surface with hard thing.
Don’t drop the print head from high.
Don’t disassemble the print head without any instructions.
Print Head
The easiest way to check the print head condition is to make a nozzle check on machine. Color ink can be
printed on white blank paper, but white ink needs black paper to print on, then you can check the nozzle check patterns.
Print head inlets
Nozzle check pattern of color ink
(sequence from right to left: KCMY