MT-FP4060-UV Operating Manual
press the button for 3 seconds to clear the nozzle, it can prevent the nozzle from clogging.(the machine need to be
switched off after press the cleaning button , moved ink carriage to the left manually, clean the nozzle and top cap with
cleaning cloth first, then move the ink carriage back to original place manually.
After received the machine to open the package tidy up the accessories. At first, place the ink system installed on
the machine. please pay attention to prevent the carriage assembly front to hit the fixed plate for ink system.
2.2 As shown in the picture, open the lid of the ink system, to connect correct ink color pipeline to the ink bottle hole.
(note: white ink bottle withe one connector connect to 2 ink tubes)
2.3 Open the ink -bottles as shown, poured the corresponding color ink into the ink bottle , (Note : White ink bottle with
a stirring system , the ink must be shaking before use : color inks five minutes , the white ink 10 minutes ) below after