Microsemi Proprietary and Confidential. LX3301A/LX3302A Auto Calibration User Guide Revision 1.0
Figure 13 • Data Format for PWM Data
LX3301A/LX3302A EEPROM Setting for Data Capture
If analog output mode is selected, use measurement equipment to collect higher-resolution data.
Use the EEPROM setting for uncalibrated data collection.
, then click
Use Default EEPROM Data
Write eeprom to chip
Figure 14 • EEPROM Setting
How to Capture Data Using IPCE Manually
If data cannot be captured by a motorized automatic system, then it can be done manually using IPCE.A
position measurement tool is required to get an accurate position value (linear or rotary/angular).After
locating the target at a given position, then record this value.Then, collect data using the customer’s
bench test system.Replace the position/measured data into template file.
Manual Data Capture Preparation Using LX3302A
The following steps prepare to manually capture the data using the LX3302A.
1. Configure IO2 as SENT and IO3 as DAC and enable debug by choosing ADC1, as shown.