Wrong network configuration
- Verify that the Ethernet card driver software and TCP/IP software
are both installed and configured on your PC or workstation.
-Verify that the IP address for your Router and your workstation are
correct and that the addresses are on the same subnet.
Testing the Path from Your PC to a Remote Device
After verifying that the LAN path works correctly, test the path from
your PC to a remote device:
From the Windows run menu, type PING -n 10 followed by the IP
address of a remote device such as your ISP's DNS server. If the
path is functioning correctly, replies as in the previous section are
If you do not receive replies:
Check that your PC has the IP address of your Router listed as the
default gateway. If the IP configuration of your PC is assigned by
DHCP, this information will not be visible in the control panel
network utility. Go to the Run... window and run winipcfg in Win98
(or ipconfig in Win2000). The IP address of t he Router should
appear as the Default Gateway.
Check to see that the network address of your PC (the portion of
the IP address specified by the netmask) is different from the
network address of the remote device.
Check console to verify the WAN status. If the menu indicates the
WAN status as down, check that your ADSL line is connected and
functioning. Or check the VPI/VCI setting of the Router with right
If your ISP assigned a host name to your PC, enter that host name
as the Router name.
Your ISP could be rejecting the Ethernet MAC a ddresses of all but
one of your PCs. Most broadband ISPs restrict access by only
allowing traffic from the MAC address of your ADSL Router, but
some ISPs additionally restrict access to the MAC address of a
single PC connected to that modem. If this is the case, you must
configure to allow the Router to "borrow" the MAC address from the
authorized PC.
Troubleshooting the Console Interface
Refer to the following instructions if you cannot access the Console
interface by the serial port or by using the Telnet Protocol.
If you cannot access the Manager interface by the serial port:
Verify that the Router is connected to the serial port of your terminal
or computer using the included cable.
Check the configuration parameters of your terminal or
communications program. The connection should be configured
as follows:
VT100 terminal emulation 115200 bits per second.
No parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no flow control.
If you cannot access the Console by using the Telnet Protocol:
Verify the Ethernet connection between your PC and the Router.