RAIDBank4 Owner’s Manual
4-RAID Control-Web Interface
presented in the Volume Set Function to create the volume sets. While RAID migration is in
progress, migration status will be displayed in the RAID and volume status areas of the RAID
Set information.
IMPORTANT: Once the RAID Set expansion process has started it cannot be stopped. The process
must complete before any other RAID functions will be available.
2.4 Offline RAID set
You can selectively offline RAID Sets to limit access or for diagnostics. Check the radio button
next to the RAIDset(s) to be brought offline, check the “Confirm The Operation” checkbox
and click
to commit or
to revert all options to default. Following confirmations, all
Hdds of the selected RAIDset will be put into offline state, spun down and fault LED will be
in fast blinking mode. Offline RAIDSets will be online on the next reboot.
2.5 Activate RAID set
Following a drive failure, the affected RAID set will operate in degraded mode, and will
continue to function until the unit is reset. Following a reset, in order for a degraded RAID
set to be available to the host it must be activated. Select “Activate RAID Set” option. A table
will appear with the available RAID set(s). Check the radio button next to the RAID set to be
activated, check the “Confirm The Operation” checkbox and click
to commit or
revert all options to default. A Confirmation screen appears prior to the activation.
When one of the disk drives is removed and the RAID rebooted, the RAID set state will change to
Incomplete and will not be available at first boot. To force the RAIDset to be available, use the
Activate RAIDSet (2.5) option. The RAIDset will become available in degraded state.
2.6 Create Hot Spare Disk
Hot spare disks are disks predesignated to be available for parity or mirrored volumes to
rebuild volume data upon a RAID member disk failure. To designate a disk as a hot spare,
select “Create Hot Spare”, Check the radio button next to the disk from the list of available
drives, check the “Confirm The Operation” checkbox and click
to commit or
to revert
all options to default. A Confirmation screen appears prior to the operation conclusion.
2.7 Delete Hot Spare Disk
To delete hot spare, choose the “Delete Hot Spare Disk” option. Check the radio button next
to the disk from the list of hot spare designated devices, check the “Confirm The Operation”
checkbox and click
to commit or
to revert all options to default. A Confirmation
screen appears prior to the operation conclusion.