MaxNAS Owner’s Manual
IP based network to manipulate files on another computer on that network regardless of
which operating systems are involved (if the computers permit FTP access.) There are many
existing FTP client and server programs, and many of these are free. You may enable or
disable FTP server support as well as supported file character set language by navigating to
“Network” -> “FTP.” Click
to complete the operation.
3.3.7 nSync Target Service
nSync is an FTP compatible synchronization method that
allows backup and restoration of a share folder to another
MaxNAS Target or any FTP server. When using nSync
between two MaxNAS units, the synchronization also
enables secure encryption. You may enable or disable nSync target support by navigating
to “Network” -> “nSync.” Click
to complete the operation.
3.3.8 Mediabolic DLNA Server
The MaxNAS provides media streaming service to standalone
networked home media adapters that support the UPnP-AV
protocol or are Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA)
standard compliant. This allows shared digital media such
as music, pictures, and movies with any compatible device
throughout your entire home. For more information and a
list of compatible devices please visit
To configure the media server, navigate to “Network” -> “Media Server” and the Media Manager
Settings window will appear. To enable or disable the streaming service, check the radio
button corresponding to “enable” or “disable” and click
. The service will index and
share all compatible media files in the shares checked in the bottom pane. The media server
will appear to your compatible DMA (digital media adapter) as “MaxNAS:Mediabolic Server.”
4. Accounts Configuration
Account Configuration allows for users and groups creation and integration
into a Microsoft Windows Active Directory or domain. Account Configuration is
accessible from the “Accounts” menu.
4.1 Authentication Configuration
The MaxNAS can authenticate with and use Microsoft server resources
such as WINS (Windows Internet Naming Service,) Workgroup or
Domain assignment, and ADS. The Microsoft Support configuration
screen is accessible from “Accounts” -> “Authentication.” This screen
displays the directory support parameters of the system as follows:
• WINS Server: Specifies the WINS server if necessary.
• Workgroup/Domain Name: Specifies the SMB/CIFS Work
Group/NT Domain name.
• ADS Support: Enabled to join a Microsoft domain/AD or
disabled for workgroup support.
3-Administering the MaxNAS