The only basic attention required by the Micromat is that it is kept clean and free from dust
and grease.
The swarf extraction unit should be emptied at least daily and the filter bags well shaken to
avoid dust clogging and subsequent overheating and destruction of the motor. The motor
brushes should be inspected monthly and replaced if required.
The X and Y axis bearing rods are accessible beneath the blinds and should be inspected
regularly, wiped with lint free cloth and lightly oiled.
The spindle should have its collet completely removed daily and any traces of dust cleaned
from it and its housing. A build up of dust will cause off-centre rotation, poor quality holes
and a rapid destruction of the spindle bearings. When replacing the collet ensure that the
keyway on the collet engages with the pin in its housing.
From time to time, check that all connectors are secure and that connecting cables are not
frayed in any way.
The tape recorder head, capstan and pinch wheel should be cleaned each week by using
cotton wool buds and methylated spirit or a proprietary tape head cleaning fluid.