If the machine is an Auto Tool Change type and the TOOL SWITCH is set to 0 (zero) when
RUN is pressed, Auto Tool Change operation will begin and ALL the holes will be drilled,
starting with tool number 1, or the lowest allocated tool number, and finishing with the
highest allocated tool number. in the order in which they were programmed with whatever
tool is in the spindle.
If any holes have been programmed with the TOOL SWITCH set to 0 (zero), then they will
be drilled with each tool. This feature can be used to pilot drill large holes.
A particular tool will be picked up ONLY if Speed and Feed data have been entered for that
tool number. If Speed and Feed data have NOT been entered for a particular tool number
then NONE of the holes for that tool number will be drilled. (See Section 4)
Manual Tool Change machines will drill ALL the holes, regardless of tool number, in the
order in which they were programmed with whatever tool is in the spindle if RUN is
pressed with the TOOL SWITCH set to 0 (zero).
If RUN is pressed on either type of machine with the TOOL SWITCH set to a number from
1 to 15 then only those holes programmed with that number will be drilled and NO AUTO
TOOL CHANGE WILL TAKE PLACE. Again, any holes which have been programmed
with the TOOL SWITCH set to 0 (zero) will be drilled with each tool. The tool currently
fitted in the collet will be used.
CAUTION - IT MAY BE THE KEEPER so use INIT to fit the correct tool in the collet.
The TOOL SWITCH will have a similar effect on the CHECK/RUN procedure, the
machine going through the tool change motions where applicable, and showing each drilling
position on the TV monitor.