microHAM © 2010 All rights reserved
APPENDIX C – Tracking
NOTE: Tracking is experimental code started in Router 7.5.0 for linking the transceiver
frequency to a tracking receiver. Mode linking and bidirectional frequency tracking are not
currently supported.
microHAM will be expanding features and adding support for additional radios in the future.
The initial version has been tested with Perseus SDR only.
Port: COM10
Source QRG: Defines which frequency will be used for SDR tracking
Offset: Specifies frequency offset from tracking frequency send to SDR for tracking.
NOTE: COM10 is the default COM port for PERSEUS can only be changed in the Windows
registry (refer to the Perseus manual). Make sure that the COM10 is not used by any other
device in PC. Then create virtual COM10 in Router and do not use this COM port number for
any purpose other than tracking.