microHAM © 2010 All rights reserved
REC MIC (logger Digital Voice Keyer recording level).
VU meter: this "stacked LED" display shows the audio level into the analog to
digital controller. Note, the display is active only if a sample rate is
selected and the recording mic is selected.
microKEYER shows one or two sliders for the Record Microphone – depending on
the sound card. If the Master is active, keep it at about 80% and adjust the MIC
slider so that the signal does not peak into the red area.
Sampling: sets the sample rate used for the REC MIC level displays.
Because of the nature of the Windows sound system, it is best to set the
sample rate to a multiple of the sample rate (or "clock rate") used by your
logging program for recording DVK messages.
GET ID: this button will retrieve the name and number of the sound card used for
receive functions (digital decoding or off air recording). The name can be used to
verify that the correct sound card has been selected. The number can be used to
configure software that identifies sound cards only by number.
TX MIC (live mic level)
This control adjusts the level for the "live" microphone and for transmitting through
sound card with the C Audio Switching scheme. If the channel is active the green
rectangle light is on. If not, click the TX Mixer button and unmute the microphone
TX (transmit levels)
These controls adjusts the output (transmit) levels. If the
channels are active, the green rectangle will be on. If not, click
the TX Mixer button and unmute the master Volume (Speaker)
and Wave controls.
There are two (or four) sliders, the MASTER slider (the Master
Volume or Speaker control) and the WAVE (Digital Audio or
logger DVK) output.
As a starting point, set the MASTER level to about 80% and the LINE level to
about 80%. Adjust LINE for proper drive when using digital modes or playing voice
messages from a logging program that includes DVK capabilities. Adjust the
MSTER only if you cannot balance the levels between Digital/DVK playback and
the live mic. Do not set the LINE slider lower than the MASTER.
Test Signal: causes microKEYER to output a 1500 Hz audio tone for setting the
transmit output level for AFSK digital modes.
TX Mixer: this button opens the Windows Volume Control (Playback Mixer) for the
selected sound card.
GET ID: this button will retrieve the name and number of the sound card used for transmit functions. The
name can be used to verify that the correct sound card has been selected. The number can be used to
configure software that identifies sound cards only by number.