microHAM © 2010 All rights reserved
Manuals: Link to microHAM manuals located on your system.
Setup Guides: Link to software configuration guides for many common applications.
Cable Schematics: Link to cable diagrams.
Download Documents: Downloads microHAM documentation including updated manuals and setup
guides. You may specify the products for which you want documentation.
NOTE: Requires an Internet connection.
microHAM Home Page: Link to
microHAM Downloads Page: Link to
Show Tooltips: When checked, small, single line help is displayed below the mouse cursor.
Update Router: Download and install the most recent version of Router.
About: Shows the Router's internal version number
Change logs: Shows the Router and firmware changes.
There are seven (7) tabs for configuring microKEYER. Each tab controls part of microKEYER's functions.
Except for the CW/FSK Messages tab, any change is applied immediately to microKEYER. Changes in the
Messages are only applied in response to the Store or Store All buttons.
Ports – used to assign virtual ports for use by application programs.
Audio Switching – used to configure microphone and sound card audio routing based on operator
preference, application sound card handling and operating mode
Audio Mixer – used to set levels of each channel of the sound card
NOTE: The Audio Mixer is not available under Windows Vista or 7. Those operating systems do
not allow an application like Router overall control of the sound device.
PTT – used to configure T/R (PTT) keying, keying sequencer and footswitch operation.
CW/WinKey – used to configure the internal CW keyer when the application is not using WinKey.
CW/FSK Messages – used to configure internal CW and FSK messages
DVK – used to configure Router's Digital Voice Keyer
Keyboard – used to configure CW and FSK operation with the PS/2 keyboard or numeric keypad.