microHAM © 2010 All rights reserved
NOTE: To make fine adjustments, you can compare levels for the direct ("A") connection and through
the sound card ("C") by pressing the footswitch or hand mic PTT. When the radio is keyed by VOX or
MOX, the microphone audio is passing through the sound card. When the radio is keyed by the
footswitch or hand mic PTT, the microphone is connected directly to the radio.
15. Switch to the DVK tab in Router. Set REC MIC to the microphone of your sound card and set TX to the
speakers or headphone of your sound card. Select the default bank and preset REC MIC and TX to
16. Press the "Record" button and adjust the REC MIC so that signal peaks as high as possible in the yellow
without going into the red.
17. Press the "Play" button and check that the drive level is same as you set in step 14. If not, adjust the TX
NOTE: Under Vista and Windows 7, DVK levels are separate from those set by other applications.
DVK levels are stored with the message banks.
microKEYER can be used with a wide variety of software. The capabilities of those packages will have large
influence on the level of computing power needed to utilize microKEYER.
When used with Windows based contest logging applications like CTWin, N1MM Logger, Win-Test, and
WriteLog or Windows based general logging applications like DXBase, DXLab Suite, DX4WIN, Logger 32 and
others, the microHAM control and interface application “microHAM Router” must run along side the application
program. Since both the logging programs and microHAM Router are real-time applications, system
performance will be dependent on both CPU speed and the amount of available RAM.
While microHAM Router will run on slower computers, the minimum tested system is a 1.6 GHz Pentium IV,
Windows 2000, 512 MB RAM, CD-ROM, and USB 1.1 port. Whether Router can run as designed on slower
machines with less memory and leave enough resources for application programs has not been determined.
microHAM Router is not supported on any 16 bit version of Windows (95, 98, ME, SE).
In order to provide sufficient performance for simultaneous operation of microHAM Router, a logging application,
Internet connectivity and other accessory programs, the recommended system is a 2 GHz PC compatible
computer with Windows XP Home or higher, 1 GB RAM, CD-ROM, root USB 2.0 port, a transceiver with
supported control protocol and logger, control, or digital mode software.
microKEYER is also compatible with Apple Macintosh systems running OS 10.5 or later. It is directly supported
by MacLoggerDX (
) by Don Agro, VE3VRW as well as µH
Router and cocoaModem (
) by Kok Chen,