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3. Set the RADIO1 and RADIO2 microphone trimmers (located
just to the front of the RADIO1 DB37) in middle of their range
(towards each other).
4. Set front panel TX1 and TX2 knobs to 12 o'clock.
5. Press RADIO1 transmit focus button on MK2R front panel.
6. On the Audio Switching tab, select RADIO1 and choose Fixed
settings VOICE ACmA.
7. On the PTT/FSK tab, choose "Fixed PTT1 immediate."
8. Select a VOICE (USB or LSB) mode at your radio, connect your radio to a dummy load and switch
RADIO1 to transmit. With the MIC GAIN control on RADIO1 set proper drive level while speaking to
microphone (this should be your normal operating level). When done do not touch the MIC GAIN
control again.
9. On the Audio Switching tab select RADIO1 and choose Fixed: VOICE (CmCmA).
10. Confirm that all the green lights below sound card drop down boxes are lit. If not, unmute the
channels in Volume Control. When done, close both Volume Control windows.
11. Set REC MIC and TX MIC slider to 70%, TX VOICE MASTER for R1 to 70% and LINE to 80%.
12. Select a sampling rate other than "off."
13. While speaking into the microphone, adjust the REC MIC slider until you see the last yellow light on
peaks. Do not allow the microphone signal to peak into the red.
Note: this level is used ONLY when recording voice messages to the LOGGING SOFTWARE.
14. Set the TX Mic slider to the same level as the REC MIC.
15. Turn on VOX and speak into the microphone. Using the RADIO1 trimmer, set the same drive level
as you set in step 6 - do not touch the MIC GAIN knob on radio. You can compare the direct and
sound card levels to do fine adjustment by pressing the foot switch or hand mic PTT button. When
your radio is keyed by VOX, the audio signal is through the sound card. When the foot switch or
microphone PTT is active, the microphone is connected directly to the radio.
If you cannot balance the direct and sound card levels with the trimmer, return it to the midpoint and
adjust the TX VOICE R1 MASTER slider on the Audio Mixer tab as appropriate. If you still cannot
find a match, adjust the TX1 front panel knob and/or the R1 LINE slider in Audio Mixer.
16. At DVK tab select default bank, set REC MIC, TX R1 LINE and MASTER sliders to the same
position as you set at Audio Mixer tab.
17. Press "Record" button and adjust the recording level with the REC MIC slider so that signal does
not peak into to the red area.
18. Press "Play" button and check that the drive level is same as you set in the previous steps. If not,
adjust the TX R1 MASTER and LINE sliders.
19. The voice settings for RADIO1 are done.
Note: Slider positions in the DVK tab are independent of those in the Audio Mixer tab. They are
stored with the message banks, not with presets. This permits each operator to customize the DVK
for his own voice.
20. Select digital mode designed for AFSK on RADIO1. (PKT, DIG or DATA for Yaesu, LSB-D or USB-
D for Icom, and RTTY or RTTY-R on K2). Do not select RTTY or FSK because these modes do not
use for AFSK.
21. On th Audio Switching tab select RADIO1 and choose Fixed: FSK, DIGITAL (BBB).
22. On the PTT/FSK tab choose Fixed PTT2 delayed.
23. Switch to Audio Mixer tab and set TX DIGITAL MASTER for R1 to 70% and LINE to 80%.
24. Confirm that all signal processing circuits like compressor, TX DSP etc. In your transceiver are
turned off.