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CT space
- Selects “contest” word space (six dits long instead of seven).
Speed pot min/max
- Min/Max value of the front panel speed knob (9) in range 5 to
99 WPM.
Farnsworth speed
– Sets the Farnsworth keying speed (10 to 99 WPM range, 0
disables this feature).
- DIT/DAH ratio from 1:2 to 1:4 in hundreds. Accepted numbers are from
200 to 400.
- Weighting in percentage (from 10 to 90%).
- Extension of the first dit or dah in milliseconds (usable for QSK only).
Keying compensation
- Extension of each dit and dah in milliseconds (usable for
QSK only).
Generate PTT1
– Enables generation of PTT
PTT lead in/tail
- Lead and tail delays of PTT.
Generate PTT1
must be checked.
PTT Tail also defines Tail time for "virtual" PTT.
Hang Time
- When Tail delay is 0, hang time is time is proportional to current CW speed.
Options are: 1.00, 1.33, 1.66 or 2.00 word space units
Headphone side tone
– If checked, when paddles are touched the headphones are switched to the radio
with transmit focus - VFO A (left channel) to the left ear and VFO B (right channel) to the right ear.
After the WinKey PTT tail has expired the headphones return to their normal focus. Headphone
side tone operates with either manual or Auto Focus.
Side Tone
- 1350, 675, 450, 388 Hz or OFF. The v
olume is not adjustable.
Note: Side tone is generated by the MK2R controller, not the WinKey 2 side tone output. If the
application enables WinKey 2 side tone, distortion can can result.
Speed Step
- defines the steps (in WPM) by which the +/- keys on the optional keypad will change the
speed. The enter key restores the speed set by the Speed pot.
WK Monitor
WK Monitor
– Opens a WinKey Monitor window that allows capturing communications between Router
and the WinKey chip or between the application and WinKey chip. Controls for the monitor include
Start, Stop, Clear
Under normal conditions the WinKey Monitor should not be used. However, if incompatibilities are
noticed between a logger and WinKey it may be useful to
a capture and close the window.
When a problem is noticed, the WinKey Monitor can be opened and the Communications Log
for analysis. The Communications Log is circular – only the last few kilobytes will be saved
to prevent the creation of very large files.
WK Monitor will display a description of each command from the application and status response
from WinKey “decoded” at the virtual serial port. If a line ends in three dots (...) it means that the
command or response has been broken across two USB packets.