Sequenced Breakpoints
Breakpoints that occur in a sequence. Sequence execution of breakpoints is bottom-up; the last breakpoint in the
sequence occurs first.
Serialized Quick Turn Programming
Serialization allows you to program a serial number into each microcontroller device that the Device Programmer
programs. This number can be used as an entry code, password or ID number.
The MPASM assembler shell is a prompted input interface to the macro assembler. There are two MPASM assembler
shells: one for the DOS version and one for the Windows operating system version.
A software program that models the operation of devices.
Single Step
This command steps though code, one instruction at a time. After each instruction, MPLAB IDE/MPLAB X IDE
updates register windows, watch variables, and status displays so you can analyze and debug instruction execution.
You can also single step C compiler source code, but instead of executing single instructions, MPLAB IDE/MPLAB X
IDE will execute all assembly level instructions generated by the line of the high level C statement.
The information associated with the execution of an instruction appears on the processor bus at different times. For
example, the executed opcodes appears on the bus as a fetch during the execution of the previous instruction, the
source data address and value and the destination data address appear when the opcodes is actually executed, and
the destination data value appears when the next instruction is executed. The trace buffer captures the information
that is on the bus at one instance. Therefore, one trace buffer entry will contain execution information for three
instructions. The number of captured cycles from one piece of information to another for a single instruction execution
is referred to as the skew.
When a hardware breakpoint is used to halt the processor, one or more additional instructions may be executed
before the processor halts. The number of extra instructions executed after the intended breakpoint is referred to as
the skid.
Source Code
The form in which a computer program is written by the programmer. Source code is written in a formal programming
language which can be translated into machine code or executed by an interpreter.
Source File
An ASCII text file containing source code.
Special Function Registers (SFRs)
The portion of data memory (RAM) dedicated to registers that control I/O processor functions, I/O status, timers or
other modes or peripherals.
Serialized Quick Turn Programming
Stack, Hardware
Locations in PIC microcontroller where the return address is stored when a function call is made.
2020 Microchip Technology Inc.
User Guide
DS50002751D-page 79