HOM-SERIES Hot Water Heater module Operator's Manual
1. This unit should be installed indoors by a qualified serviceman in a non-
freezing, dry environment away from damaging winds and rain. If any part of
the unit becomes frozen, excessive pressure may build up in the unit which
could cause it to burst resulting in possible serious injury to the operator or
bystanders. Normal precautions should be taken so that excess moisture
does not reach the electrical controls or the power unit.
2. It should be placed in an area away from flammable or combustible material.
These types of material should be kept at least 20 feet away from the
3. Avoid small areas and exhaust fans. Combustion becomes difficult and
carbon monoxide may result in these areas. Allow enough space for servicing.
Some codes will require certain distances from walls and flooring. Two feet
away from the walls should suffice.
4. This unit should only be placed on a level surface. NEVER spray water
directly on the unit.
dO nOt
place unit in an area:
a. where flammable gas vapors may be present.
b. with insufficient ventilation.
c. where there is evidence of oil or fuel leaks.
risK Of eXplOsiOn Or fire!
dO nOt place unit in an
area WHere flammaBle
gas VapOrs maY Be present.
a sparK cOuld cause an
eXplOsiOn Or fire!
risK Of unit Bursting!
dO nOt lOcate tHe unit in
freeZing enVirOnments!
risK Of aspHYXiatiOn!
use tHis prOduct OnlY in
Well Ventilated areas! tHe
eXHaust cOntains carBOn
mOnOXide, a pOisOnOus,
OdOrless and inVisiBle
gas. BreatHing tHis gas
can cause seriOus inJurY,
illness & pOssiBle deatH.
1. Installation of this unit should be performed by a qualified serviceman and
all electrical installation must conform to all local, state and national codes,
including NFPA No. 70 (NEC) National Electrical Code. In Canada; Refer
to the CSA C22. Canadian Electrical Code Part .
2. Ensure electrical supply is identical to the specifications listed on the heater
module data plate.
3. Ensure all connections are secure and covers are replaced.
lOcatiOn and placement:
risK Of electrOcutiOn!
tHis unit must Be cOnnected
tO a prOperlY grOunded