Windsor High Efficiency Wood Stove
c. cold chimney temperature
Avoid cold chimney temperatures by burning a
hot fire for the first fifteen to forty minutes, being
careful not to over fire. If any part of the chimney
or parts of the stove start to glow, you are over fir-
ing the stove. Where possible, install a tempera-
ture gauge on the chimney so temperature drops
can be seen.
d. chimney installation and Maintenance
Avoid using too many elbows or long horizontal
runs. If in doubt, contact a chimney expert and/or
chimney manufacturer for help. Clean chimney,
rain caps and especially spark arrester regularly,
to prevent creosote build up, which will signifi-
cantly reduce chimney draw and may cause a
chimney fire.
10.Should i close or open the air control fully when
shutting down the stove?
When shutting down the stove, fully open the air
control. This allows the chimney temperatures to
remain as high as possible for as long as possible.
Cold chimney temperatures create creosote.
this sheet is intended as an aid and does not
supersede any local, provincial or state requirements.
Check with officials or authorities having jurisdiction in
your area.