3 8 & 3 8 / 4 6 C O M B I
3. day temperat (day temperature)
This option is only displayed when the outside air temperature sensor (supplied with the boiler) is
installed and operation with direct-on-boiler weather compensated flow temperatures is required.
This is a user function and allows the user to raise or lower the room temperature for adjustment of
the comfort level.
Raising or lowering the set value will cause parallel displacement of the heating slope line which will
result in raising or lowering of the heat emitter temperatures.
The default value for this setting = 20°C.
4. day/time
This is a user function and at this option the real day of the week and time should be set.
To set clock:-
a) Press “Menu” button
b) Use “+” or “-“ to set day
c) Press “Menu” button
d) Use “+” or “-“ to set hour (24 hour clock)
e) Press “Menu” button
f ) Use “+” or “-“ to set minutes
g) Press “menu” button to effect settings.
5. set CH timer
This is a user function and at this option the on/off times for normal heating may be set. 3 ON and 3
OFF Periods may be set each day.
IMPORTANT: If the heating circuit is being controlled by a remote timeswitch or BMS system then the
1st on time must be set to 0000 and the 1st off time must be set to 2400 for each day.
To set operational times:-
a) Press “Menu” – “Monday >” is displayed on screen.
b) Press “Menu” – “Copy SU>MO” is displayed on screen, (ignore this)
c) Press “+”, “Switch on 1” is displayed on screen
d) Press “Menu” – (hours will flash) use “+” or “-“ to set required hour
e) Press “Menu” – (minutes will flash) use “+” or “-“ to set required minute
f ) Press “Menu” to confirm settings
g) Press “+”, “switch off 1” is displayed on screen
h) Repeat d to f input 1st switch off time.
At this point, press either “+” to programme 2nd heating period, in which case, repeat d to h for 2nd
period, and then if 3rd heating period is required, repeat c to h for 3rd period or press “+” until
“<back” is displayed, then press “Menu” to advance to next day.
At this point, press either “Menu” to copy programme to next day or press “+” to allow individual day
programming. If individual day programming is required then repeat d to j as appropriate.
k) Continue programming/copying each day until each day has been programmed ending with Sunday and
screen display “<Back”.
Press “Menu” to return to main menu.
Default setting – on 0.600 – off 23.00
6. set HW timer
This is a user function, and at this option the on/off times for hot water production may be set.
NOTE: This function is not appropriate to the Combi boiler and may be ignored. Hot water production
with the combi boiler is instantaneous and is available at all times.
Hot water production always takes priority over heating and the heating function will be temporarily
suspended whilst hot water is being generated. This applies to both the Strata 1-38 boiler and
Strata 1-38/46 Combi.
To set operational times for hot water charging follow the procedure as described in 19.4.5 a to l.
Default – on 0.600 – off 23.00.
19.5 setting the control panel (contd)