The EDS system parts
The polyurethane service line is 5/32" (4 mm) O.D. This gives
you a lot of freedom to run it through a number of avenues.
Although the line is resistant to kinks, abrasion and crushing, it
is best to run it through a place where it will not see any
abrasion or be pinched by sharp metal parts. If you are
mounting this to a hanggliding harness be sure that the tube is
not going to be crushed or pinched by the metal frame of your
harness. Sewing a channel of webbing as an avenue, similar to
how your parachute bridal is secured, can be a very good
The XCR regulator directly connects to a cylinder with a
standard CGA-540 oxygen service fitting with a hand-tight
fitting. Secure it to the cylinder as shown in the figure below.
Hold the upper section of the regulator to where the outlet
connector is facing in the desired direction while tightening,
by hand only, the bottom hand grip clockwise to the cylinder.
Connect the polyurethane service line to the outlet connector
by pushing a "clean cut" end into the connector. It should go
into the connector by about 1/8 to 1/4 inch. The line may leak
at first, if so, remove and replace the line in the quick connect
connector a few times to get a good seat. If this will not work,
use a clean sharp knife to make a new end in the service line.
The XCR regulator is equipped with an elbow type quick-
connect outlet connector that rotates around the regulator
allowing the polyurethane service line to exit in any direction.
To remove the polyurethane service line you must push in the
connector collar while you pull on the polyurethane line. Do
not pull the polyurethane line without pushing in the collar. It
will damage the connector. See figures below.
Doing so will destroy the O-ring on the regulator input nipple.
The regulator grip-ring will be difficult to turn while under
pressure reminding you that the system is under pressure.
To bleed pressure from the system follow these steps;
Turn off main cylinder valve where the XCR regulator is
(XCR) Bleed pressure off by allowing oxygen to exit via.
the flowmeter.
(EDS) Bleed pressure off through the EDS by holding
down the battery test button.
Or you can simply remove the 4 mm. service line from
the XCR regulator.
Basic EDS Operating instructions
The EDS unit has been designed to respond to breathing that is
normal and deliberate and generally not to fluctuations caused
by talking etc. Therefore, users must make an effort to
remember to breathe in through their nose while talking or
holding their mouth open in order to get the required amount of
oxygen. The EDS has a 3.0 second (+- 0.15) breathing
envelope. This means that in order for the EDS to respond to
each breath they must be at least 3.0 seconds apart or a
maximum respiration rate of 20/minute. There is no limit to
the minimum. The average inspiration breathing rate for a
healthy person is about 12 to 14 times a minute. This would
equate to an inhalation every 3.75 to 4.29 seconds. A standard
type nasal cannula must be used with the EDS. Do not use
any type of conserving cannula such as the Oxymizer®
cannula, for it will interfere with the micro-pressure sensor.
Damage to the micro-pressure sensor may result from use with
other regulators. This will require the EDS unit to be sent
back to Mt. High for nonwarranty repair.