• Next, select the sweep time setting mode, and rotate "ADJUST" knob
to adjust the sweep time between 1s and 600s, e.g. to 10s as shown
• Next, enter the sweep mode selection screen, and choose between LINE
(linear frequency sweep) and LOG (logarithmic sweep).
• Finally, enter the sweep control page, then press the OK key to turn on
or turn off sweep function. Subsequent OK button presses will pause
and continue the scan.
Parameter storage and loading
• To save parameters for later use, select the parameter save function,
then rotate "ADJUST" knob to adjust the save location. This instru-
ment has a total of 10 parameter storage locations, M0-M9. On power
on, the instrument loads parameter set M0.
• To restore saved parameters, chose the parameter load function, and
rotate the "ADJUST" knob to adjust the location to one of the 10
available saved sets, M0-M9. On power on, the instrument loads pa-
rameter set M0.
Calibration function is performed at the factory. Please consult the factory
if calibration is required.