24.11.14 / V 01.0-E
We fitted our milling machines with an optimal bearing and a very good lubrication
system. This complex construction which was designed for these extreme applica-
tions, does not prevent damages if the machine is improperly used. To avoid such
damages the indicated on-time should always be respected.
In addition to the high evolution of heat of the electric motors at the stay and at the
magnetic field there is also more high temperature on milling.
This heat is largely dissipated by the metal chips. In case of longer lasting, continuous
operation the milling head can get hot on operation which on its turn transmits the
heat over the drive shaft to the cabinet and thus also on the driving motor.
A great deal of this heat is dissipated by the ventilators of the electric motors. However,
in case of long lasting operation, especially on high load due to broad bevels, hard ma-
terial or blunt cutting inserts, this cooling is no longer sufficient and there is the risk
that the isolation of the armature winding is damaged which might lead to short-circuit.
Thus take care that the bevel adjustment is not too high. In case of large bevels it is
better to work a bevel in several strokes. This also involves that there is less vibration
leading to less stress on the person working with the machine, the machine itself and
the cutting inserts. Blunt inserts increase vibration. Therefore care for a timely change
of the cutting inserts. This preventive measure also conserves your machine.
If the motor is getting too hot it is automatically switched off. Let the motor and the
cabinet cool down so that you can continue your work.
Number of strokes
When milling in several strokes there is less vibration and the cutting inserts are
bevel width
bis 4mm
idle speed
Power-on time
Aluminum, copper,
rass, plastics
Steel bis 400N/mm²
Steel bis 600N/mm²
Stainless steel