MFJ-495 Memory Keyer
Instruction Manual
2001-2009 MFJ Enterprises, Inc.
Message Memory
To play a message in the terminal mode, type ~## where the first # is message number 1 to 8 and the
second # is memory bank A to D. The message is sent to the radio and echoed back to the terminal.
There are two different ways to save a message in the keyer terminal. You can type a message manually
or load the message that you have saved in a text file. To save a message, type ~>## where ## is the
message number and bank followed by the content of the message. Begin typing in your message
pressing the space bar between words. The keyer echoes each character as it is typed. Press the BACK
SPACE key to delete the last character. At the end of your message, press ENTER to end your message.
The keyer will respond by sending an end-of-message character (di-dah-di-dah-dit) and save your
message. It will automatically insert “]” to the end of your message.
Alternately, type ~>##[message text]. The keyer will end the message when the close square bracket “]”
is received. When the open square bracket “[” is received, the keyer will use the close square bracket “]”
(instead of the ENTER key) as the end-of-message indicator from that point on. This allows carriage
returns, produced by the ENTER key, in the message.
To view the content of a message, type ~<## where ## is the message number and bank. The memory
will echo to the terminal.
Message Commands
Play Message ##
Save Message ##
~>##[message text]
~>##message text ENTER
View Message ##
Refer to “The Memory” section on page 36 for explanation of the MFJ-495’s message memory and how
to use the embedded commands to enhance your message.
Uploading and Downloading Messages:
To send messages either from your computer to the MFJ-495 or from the unit to your computer, you use a
terminal program on the computer that is capable of transferring ASCII data. Configure the terminal
software for 1200 baud, 8 data bits, no parity and one stop bit. To perform the transfer, you prepare either
the computer or the Keyer to receive the file, and then send from the other.
Loading a Memory Block from the Computer
Type “~>##”, where the first
is a digit in the range of 1 to 8 for the message number and the second
# is a letter in the range of A to D for the memory bank. The word
will appear. The
unit now is ready to receive data from your computer.
Begin sending the data from the computer, and a progress indicator will appear on line two of the
display. Invalid data will be ignored during the loading process. To stop loading data at any time,
press the Menu button.
The MFJ-495 automatically inserts an open square bracket “[” at the beginning of every message.
This is its "beginning-of-message" indicator. When you press Menu or ENTER to end a transfer, the