Monitoring, warning, error, repair
page 42
ELC X-Series-V1.3-09.16-GB
subject to technical alterations
Display message
Bit set in Error
Corrective action
Bit 14
Error detected in Slave ballast.
Check internal wiring.
Bit 15
Faulty connection between Master and
Check internal wiring.
No Profibus
Profibus connection is not detected
Check termination and connector.
No Modbus
Modbus connection is not detected
Check termination and connector.
Profibus ok
Profibus connection is detected
Modbus ok
Modbus connection is detected
Serial: nnnnnnnn
ELC serial number is displayed
SW Version: nnnnnnnn
ELC software version is displayed
A blown fuse is only to be exchanged by the manufacturer. By using the wrong
fuse type extensive damage might be done to the boards, rendering economic
repairs impossible.