Laser Sys*Stim 540, Therapeutic Laser—
Laser On Indicator
The green Laser On indicator illuminates when the laser is lasing. When the laser beam is
extinguished after the treatment time has elapsed the Laser On indicator will turn off.
Note: When the Laser Sys*Stim 540 power is switched on by turning the keyswitch, the Green
Indicator will flash momentarily, this is normal and is provided as a start-up lamp test.
Please Note: When there is a problem with the laser applicator, the Laser On indicator will glow an
amber color. The blue LEDs will not be illuminated, but it is possible that the laser diode will be active
and therefore eye protection is still warranted. If the amber indicator light comes on and stays on
when the capacitive switch is activated, return the laser applicator for service.
Laser Activate Capacitance Switch
The “Laser Activate” capacitance switch is located on the handle section of the laser applicator
membrane. The capacitance switch works by measuring the practitioners body capacitance across a
sensing ‘Pad’. The ‘Pad’ is a rectangular shaped area and has the words “Laser Activate” on it. By
placing a finger or thumb over the ‘Pad’, the capacitance is increased and the switch is activated. The
advantage is that it requires no force to actuate, and therefore reduces the strain a practitioner may
experience holding down a mechanical switch for possibly long periods of time.
Increase/Decrease Output Energy Keys
The two membrane keys on the handle section of the applicator are used to increase or decrease the
dosage energy. During the laser treatment, these keys are locked out so that the dosage can not be
accidentally increased.