7.1 Check the batteries prior to going into the field.
Follow the Transmitter battery check procedures as given on page 4.
Turn the A-Frame Receiver “ON”. The solid bars indicate the battery level. If only one
bar appears, replace the battery (1 each, 9 volt). The battery status is “ON” for 3 seconds
at turn on.
Ensure all conductors are de-energized.
Lift the grounds.
Lift the grounds (of all conductors in the circuit) at both ends of the faulted cable section.
Occasionally, the very experienced fault locators see evidence (i.e. tripped circuit
breakers at transformer) that the fault is so severe that no signal will travel beyond the
fault. In these cases, it is not necessary to lift the distant ground.
When the Transmitter is set to “SFL” the external OUTPUT JACK produce
up to 1200 volts. Do not touch these jacks, electrical shock will result!
Do not place a shorting bar across external Output Jacks, or connect the two
leads together. Damage to the Transmitter may result.
7.4 Attach the Transmitter to the conductor and check the fault resistance.
Turn the Transmitter “OFF”
Plug the Black and Red leads into the Transmitter.
Clamp Red lead to target conductor sheath. Make sure the red clamp does not
make contact with any leaves, grass, or dirt. This could create false reading.
Stretch black lead 180 degrees away from the Conductor.
Push grounding rod into the earth and clamp the Black lead to the grounding rod.
Establish the best ground possible.
Turn Transmitter Power knob to “SFL” position. Transmitter will repeat battery
Check fault resistance. Severe faults read in the 0-100K ohms, medium faults
will read in the 100K – 500K ohms, and light faults will read 1 Megohm and up.
Turn the frequency knob on the Transmitter to select a tracing frequency. In SFL
mode, the Transmitter will simultaneously send 4.8 Hz fault locating frequency
and 9.8 Hz or 82kHz cable tracing frequency.