always remove samples as soon as the Pawkit is finished sampling
(beeps) to avoid damage to the sensor. If a sample is accidentally
left in the chamber for an extended period of time, be sure to check
the calibration when you next use the instrument.
If sensor damage occurs, the instrument displays an error code of
9.99 on the screen. Refer to Section 7 for further instructions on how
to return your Pawkit for repair.
Pawkit and Temperature
The Pawkit makes its most accurate measurements when the sample
and instrument temperatures are within 1
C. If the sample is too
warm, the thermometer icon on the left of the screen appears.
You see the “mercury” go up the thermometer and pop out of the
top, and the instrument beeps, indicating that the sample tempera-
ture is too high and there is danger of condensing water in the sample
chamber and on the sensor. If you get this warning while sampling,
remove the Pawkit, place the cup lid on the sample and wait until it
has reached ambient temperature before attempting to read again.
If your sample is colder than the ambient temperature of the Pawkit,
the accuracy of your reading after five minutes may be questionable.
Wait until the sample temperature is similar to that of the Pawkit.