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blue’Log X series
P(DI) procedure
With this procedure, the active power P is used as the control value.
The specified target value is provided by the grid operator as a digital input signal. This
is possible for example via a remote control system connected to the digital inputs of
the blue’Log.
Via bitmask the digital signals are assigned to the percentage target
control values.
Step 1
In Step 1, the digital inputs used are configured. Digital inputs of the blue’Log are
assigned to the active power procedure in the process.
Fig. 60: P(DI) Power Control procedure: Selecting the digital inputs
Input box
Description of the digital input on the blue’Log
Adds digital blue’Log interfaces
Retain last value
If enabled, the last valid target value is retained in the
event of an error. The configured fallback value (see Fig.
55: Power Control) loses its validity for this procedure