The brake system is hydraulic which uses
brake fluid for actuation. Any air entering
the system causes bubbles which affects
braking efficiency. Air can enter the sys-
tem when the Dirt bike sits for long periods
of time. Air can also enter the system
through leaks in hoses or the master
cylinder. A brake system with air will
cause the hand brake lever and foot lever
to feel soft and spongy. Use the
instructions below to bleed air from both
the front and rear brake systems.
1. Remove dust and dirt from the master
cylinder then remove master cylinder cap
2. Pump the brake lever or foot lever
slowly and firmly 4 times and then hold it.
3. Use an 8mm wrench to to loosen the
bleeder valve (2) located on the brake
caliper. You will notice some brake fluid
and possibly some bubbles escaping from
the bleeder valve (2).
4. Tighten the bleeder valve then release
the hand brake lever or brake pedal.
5. Repeat steps 1 - 4 until all air bubbles
have escaped from the system and the
hand lever or foot lever feel hard and firm
when applied.
Bleeding the Brakes
Master cylinders