The architecture of
TriAxis, though vast, is quite simple. Its’ eight pre-amp circuits, or modes as we refer to them, are laid out in three
distinct groups. These are
Rhythm, LEAD 1 and LEAD 2. Each of these groups consists of pre-amp circuits that share similar circuit
architecture, parts, and pre-amp tube stages.However, each mode has unique and specific “bones” that define its’ character, person-
ality, and all tube heritage. We grouped them together for many reasons, not the least of which is ease of recognition and familiarity.
Upon hearing the
TriAxis for the first time, the majority of players seem to immediately gravitate toward and identify with, one of the
Rhythm modes and one group of Lead modes. Usually this preference is directly related to what type of amps a player came up play-
ing. Players who have been
conscious for years and worked their way through the various
Mark l, ll, ll
l, and
eras, find
both Rhythm modes familiar, but tend to fall in love with LEAD 2 Green and Yellow. There is a reason for this attraction, and we hope
by reading this manual and experiencing the
TriAxis yourself, you will come to understand these circuit differences and use them
to your advantage - as they not only affect sound, but can actually affect your playing style.
All too aware of the effect amplifier styles have on players and playing styles, we endowed
TriAxis from its’ infancy with circuits that
now redefine all the history-making classics with their authenticity. This allows players of all styles to find a home base or comfort
zone right away, especially during the transition period from a conventional amplifier with knobs to the world of midi commands and
programmable memory. It also helps facilitate learning the software and programming. A player can stick with his favorite modes and
start applying them to his/her music right away, without having to know all eight circuits and their subtleties. In other words, smaller
bites make digestion a whole lot easier. However...fear not! You have bought a piece of gear that can continue to soothe and satiate
your appetite for new sounds for years to come.
Remember, there are eight modes here-each a complete pre-amp in and of
itself-each capable of many voices and personalities depending on how you choose to use them. Any time you are ready to start
exploring your musical boundaries,
TriAxis will prove to be a worthy vehicle. And you will find that if you spend the time to learn all
eight modes and their capabilities, you will become a much better player and feel more confident about your playing, knowing for sure
that every time you play, your Tone is the best it can be.
So we encourage you to explore! Consult the glowing oracle,
TriAxis. Learn from the stages of tube audio history we have assembled
for you in this pre-amp. Whether on the stage or in the studio, this quiver of classic guitar sounds will help you rally the masses,
out-shoot the bad guys, get the girl/guy and save the day...well maybe not all that, but it will certainly make playing more fun and
satisfying! What follows is an outline of the eight modes, their history and characteristics, so that you may come to understand and
TriAxis to its’ fullest potential.
RHYTHM MODES: This group consists of two modes, Rhythm Green and Yellow. Unlike the Lead modes, there was no need to
completely re-arrange the circuit layout and call these Rhythm Modes 1 and 2. This enabled us to fit these circuits into a one space
package and still achieve the vastly different rhythm sounds that we wanted to include.
Rest assured, pre-amp tube stages move
and many parts change when each of these is selected...but forethought and luck granted us a way to accomplish these without
the need for two groups. Toggle the Mode Key from Rhythm Green to Yellow and you can hear the bottom-end fatness and top-end
harmonics change substantially.
Here’s the difference:
RHYTHM GREEN: is the more vintage, “ old Black Face” style circuit. Its’ bass response is lower with quite a lot more of this sub
harmonic bass available. Its’ top-end harmonic frequencies are slightly lower than Rhythm Yellow’s, but can seem higher or lower
depending on how the MIDRANGE control is set. Generally, the lower this control is set, the higher and more sparkling these upper
harmonics seem to become. Set this way and combined with lower settings of the GAIN Control, a beyond-vintage clean sound with
bubbly, elastic highs and big breathy lows is proof that
TriAxis is a serious contender to even the most prized vintage gems.
This mode also shines at many other settings as well.
As the GAIN and MIDRANGE controls are increased, 5.5 - 7.5 a whole new
flavor appears.
This hotter region performs as a killer driving, yet still clean, rhythm sound. Bold and pushed, this dynamic range
of tones works great for Blues rhythm grooves or more aggressive “alternative” clean parts or lines. This is probably the most powerful
and widest of possible rhythm sounds aboard
TriAxis, perfect for when it’s your turn in the spotlight.