MC³ 24.96.EX O&M Manual
Page 63
08/14/01 4:34 PM/LDD
This screen is used to monitor the values of specific registers. The display includes the register
number, the value and the register name.
To setup the register pointers you must have access to the Register Editor and a register list.
Determine the number of the register ‘ai_regptr0’. Enter this value into the register number field
(R[ ]) in the register editor. Tab to the register value entry field. Clear and enter the number of the
register you wish to view in the monitor. You may enter up to eight different registers for viewing
with the register monitor.
Register Editor
Use of the register editor is simple. The ‘>’ symbol is used to denote the active line.
The top line displays the current register number. The second line displays the register name and
the value that the register contains.
Before entering new values into the controller , you must clear the previous value by
pressing the button.
The tab button is used to switch between the Register Number line and the Register
Name/Value line.
The left arrow is used a backspace key in the register editor.
The up and down arrow buttons are used to scroll up and down through the register list.
This works when either the register number or register name is the current selection.
Advanced Setup
This function allows entry into the Custom Setup menus (page 23) if the logical input
“Advanced Set“ has been switched off for any reason.
Quick Setup
This button can be used to quickly set up reasonable controller parameters based on basic design
parameters (design speed, design load and design feedrate).
Quick Setup value
Load decimal points
To produce five significant digits in the display
Total decimal points
None for kg or lb, two for TN and t