Automatic Only
12. After selecting Automatic, press the
Setup button. The game will prompt
you to confirm the default Server IP,
Primary DNS and Secondary DNS in-
formation. Touch the NEXT button to
accept these defaults. The game will
then try to connect to the server. Touch
the YES button for the game to connect
and complete the registration process.
The game will connect to the server
(see Figure 4). Your first connection
may take up to 40 minutes.
13. To confirm that a proper connection took
place, touch the Connection Log but-
ton on the TournaCHAMP Menu Screen.
If there were no errors, you will see
“SUCCESSFUL” at the Connection Log
Screen (see Figure 5). If there is an
error message, check the troubleshoot-
ing guide and follow the corrective ac-
tion to fix the problem. Touch the X
button on the Connection Log Screen
to exit. Continue with Beginning
Tournament Play.
Manual Only
14. After selecting Manual, press the
Setup button. The game will then
prompt you to enter the Static IP Ad-
dress. Enter the Address given to you
by your service provider and touch the
NEXT button. Then, enter the Gate-
way given to you by your service pro-
vider and touch the NEXT button. The
Server IP, Primary DNS Address and
Secondary DNS Address will already
be filled out, simply touch NEXT to ac-
cept the default information. The game
will then try to connect to the server.
Touch the YES button for the game to
connect and complete the registration
process. The game will connect to the
server (see Figure 4). Your first con-
nection may take up to 40 minutes.
15. To confirm that a proper connection took
place, touch the Connection Log but-
ton on the TournaCHAMP Menu Screen.
If there were no errors, you will see
“SUCCESSFUL” at the Connection Log
Screen (see Figure 5). If there is an
error message, check the troubleshoot-
ing guide and follow the corrective ac-
tion to fix the problem. Touch the X
button on the Connection Log Screen
to exit. Continue with Beginning
Tournament Play.