Megatouch TournaCHAMP™ Edition
NOTE: For all U.K. operators, U.K. TournaCHAMP™ Central Administration will provide the
Internet Service for dial-up connections. You can choose to use your own ISP but certain
large Internet providers like AOL™, CompuServe™, Prodigy™, and NetZero™ utilize a
proprietary dial-up protocol that is not industry standard and may not work with
TournaCHAMP™. Some of the major providers that are compatible with TournaCHAMP™
are ATT Worldnet™, Sprint™, Erols™, Tymenet™, and EarthLink™, and most of the smaller
local Internet providers. You can also now choose between Dial-Up, Automatic, and Manual
Internet access. Dial-up uses the internal modem and standard phone line and Automatic
and Manual use cable or DSL modems. You must have your own ISP to use the Automatic
or Manual connection methods.
Merit’s TournaCHAMP™ is a fully automated Tournament system designed to network
Megatouch games over the Internet, for the purpose of playing in tournament games. All
Tournament configuration and maintenance is controlled by a central server, which is man-
aged by Merit’s Tournament Manager. Placing the Tournament Management responsibilities
in the hands of a Tournament Manager greatly simplifies the operator’s role.
The system allows any number of Megatouch games to participate, by connecting to the
server over the Internet. To participate, an operator only needs to fill out the Game Start-Up
Form and fax it to U.K. TournaCHAMP™ Central Administration at 020 8594 1235, install the
kit into an existing game and connect the game to the Internet.
Players register directly on the game and only need to register once for any tournaments run
by that server. Scores are based on the average of five games, with the winner(s) having
the highest average score.
TournaCHAMP™ is a tournament promotion system, allowing players to compete for a prize
pool based on the income from premium-priced tournament games. The top scorer(s), at the
completion of a tournament, is entered into the Winners List for retention until they claim their
Players who achieve a winning score(s) during a tournament must enter their name, along
with their own personal identification number (PIN). Should they win in that tournament, the
PIN will be used to ensure positive identification of the player. Provided an attendant is
present, prizes may be claimed anytime after the completion of a tournament. Once the prize
is awarded, it is noted on the Winners List and is accounted for in the bookkeeping statistics.
The operator can choose to collect and pay the prize money, have TournaCHAMP™ Central
Administration collect and pay the prize money or chose to do both.