Connecting D6000
D6000 User Guide
3. Locate the two added DIN plugs. Connect one of these to the socket
marked 200 COMMS or 600 COMMS on the rear of the CD player
4. Connect the other DIN plug to the socket marked 600 COMMS on the
5. Configure the D6000 for Type 3 (see page 30)
6. Set up the 601 according to its user manual
If you have a Meridian 200- or 600-Series preamplifier, CD
player and a tuner
Unless you have an older M-lead (as opposed to M5 lead) you will need to
obtain an SP5 adapter. An M-lead has two DIN plugs at one end and this
is the end to connect to the preamplifier and CD player. The SP5 adapter
allows an M5-lead to connect to 200-Series preamplifiers.
1. Connect the SP5 adapter to the DIN plug at the far end of the M5-lead
(from the master)
1. Connect one of the DIN plugs on the free end of the SP5 adapter to
the socket marked 200/600 COMMS on the CD player
2. Connect the other DIN plug on the M5-lead to the socket marked CD
on the tuner
3. Use the Q-lead to connect the socket marked 200/600 COMMS on the
preamp to the socket marked 201/2 or Preamp on the tuner
If you are mixing Meridian 200- or 600-Series with 500-Series
1. Connect the digital and analogue audio as described in the previous
2. Locate the DIN plug at the source end of the M5-Lead. Connect it to
one of the sockets COMMS on the rear of a 500-Series unit.
3. Connect the 500-Series communications together as described earlier
and in the 500 User Guide(s).
4. Make a communications connection between one of the 500-Series
and one of the 200-Series units with a CD5 lead – obtainable from
your dealer. (The P-lead supplied with the 200-Series will work, but the
CD5 is preferred)
5. Configure the D6000 and 500-Series item for 200 mode (see page 30)
If you are using no other Meridian equipment
1 Connect the D6000's D1 and D2 digital inputs to appropriate digital
2 Configure the D6000 for Type 5 (see page 30)
DO NOT, under any circumstances, connect anything other than another
Meridian product to the sockets marked Comms Input and Comms
Output on the rear of the D6000.