Doc. 10107-0007 Rev 1.04
Page 10
Mercury Security Corporation,
Access Control with Door Monitoring provides for basic access control and door use
A downward read of all valid User Cards pulse Output K1, the strike control relay.
The upward read of a Level 2 card toggles the strike control relay, in effect performing a
lock/unlock function. The upward read of a Level 1 card will release an unlocked condi-
Output K2 is pulsed to annunciate improper door use, such as
a) Forced Open condition, which occurs if the door opening was not preceded by the use
of a valid card or an exit request, or
b) Held Open condition, which occurs if the door is kept open longer than the preset open
User Level Specifications
User Level 1
A downward read will pulse Output K1 (no effect if the door is unlocked).
A upward read will turn off Output K1, ending an unlocked condition.
User Level 2 (and 3)
A downward read will pulse Output K1 (no effect if the door is unlocked).
A upward read will toggle the state of Output K1, locking or unlocking the door.
Input assignments:
Input I1 is connected to a door contact: closed contact signifies a closed door.
Input I2 is connected to a “request to exit” button. Closing the contact initiates the
Upper LED assignment:
The upper LED follows Output K1, the strike control output. Normally RED, the LED
turns GREEN when the door strike is energized (either the timed, or unlocked).
This mode is the factory set default.
It represents the "classic" access controller model
due to the implementation of the door contact and the request to exit sensors and the door
alarm annunciator relay.
The 10 cards included in the original shipment are enrolled as Level 1 users. Be aware,
that if they are modified or any subsequent cards are added as
Level 2 users, an up-
ward read will unlock the door
- requiring another upward read (by any user Level) to
release the locked condition. Add Level 2 users only if the lock/unlock function is desired.
Operating Mode 01:
Access Control with Door Monitoring