Adaptive Speed Control
This outboard package utilizes adaptive speed control which automatically
adjusts the engine load (throttle) to maintain engine speed (RPM). For
example, when the boat operator steers into a hard turn, which results in
increased load on the engine and a loss of RPM, the propulsion control module
(PCM) will open the throttle to maintain RPM through the turn, without the need
for the operator to increase the remote control throttle handle. Another example
is when cruising or utilizing the boat for tow sports, engine speed will remain
constant, regardless of load changes due to waves, trim position, turning or
load changes from tow sports. Adaptive speed control is active from idle RPM
up to max rated RPM, however, can only maintain engine speed when the
throttle is less than wide open.
Engine Synchronization (Multiple Engines)
Digital Throttle and Shift (DTS) engines have an automatic engine
synchronization feature that engages automatically at key‑up. Sync mode
monitors the position of both ERC levers. If both levers are within 10% of one
another, all engines synchronize to the starboard engine's RPM. The
SmartCraft system will automatically disengage sync at the last 10% of the
lever range to allow each engine the ability to reach the maximum available
RPM. Sync mode cannot engage until its minimum RPM is met.
Helm Transfer
Some boats are designed to allow control of the vessel from more than one
location. These locations are commonly referred to as helms or stations. Helm
transfer is a term used to describe the method of transferring control from one
helm (or station) to another helm.
Avoid serious injury or death from loss of boat control. The boat operator
should never leave the active station while engine is in gear. Helm transfer
should only be attempted while both stations are manned. One‑person helm
transfer should only be performed while engine is in neutral.
The helm transfer function allows the boat operator to select which helm is in
control of the vessel. Before a transfer can be initiated, the ERC levers at the
active helm and at the helm intended for the transfer must be in the neutral
NOTE: If you attempt to transfer helm control when the ERC levers are not in
neutral, a beep will sound and the helm transfer will not succeed until the levers
at the helms are moved to neutral and the transfer is requested again.