Mercury Marine products are designed and manufactured to comply with our
own high quality standards, applicable industry standards and regulations, and
certain emissions regulations. At Mercury Marine every engine is operated and
tested before it is boxed for shipment to make sure that the product is ready for
use. In addition, certain Mercury Marine products are tested in a controlled and
monitored environment, for up to 10 hours of engine run time, in order to verify
and make a record of compliance with applicable standards and regulations. All
Mercury Marine product, sold as new, receives the applicable limited warranty
coverage, whether the engine participated in one of the test programs
described above or not.
Copyright and Trademark Information
© MERCURY MARINE. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in
part without permission is prohibited.
Alpha, Axius, Bravo One, Bravo Two, Bravo Three, Bravo Four S
, Circle M
with Waves Logo, GO BOLDLY, K‑planes, Mariner, MerCathode, MerCruiser,
Mercury, Mercury with Waves Logo, Mercury Marine, Mercury Precision Parts,
Mercury Propellers, Mercury Racing, MotorGuide, OptiMax, Pro XS,
Quicksilver, SeaCore, Skyhook, SmartCraft, Sport‑Jet, Verado, VesselView,
Zero Effort, Zeus, #1 On the Water and We're Driven to Win are registered
trademarks of Brunswick Corporation. Mercury Product Protection is a
registered service mark of Brunswick Corporation. All other marks are the
property of their respective owners.
Identification Records
The serial numbers are the manufacturer’s keys to numerous engineering
details that apply to your Mercury Marine power package. When contacting
Mercury Marine about service,
always specify model and serial numbers.
Please record the following applicable information:
Engine Model and Horsepower
Engine Serial Number
Gear Ratio
Propeller Number
Watercraft Identification Number (WIN)
Identification Number (HIN)
Purchase Date
Boat Manufacturer
Boat Model
Exhaust Gas Emissions Certification Number (Europe Only)