Bilge Siphon
The Mercury Jet Drive incorporates an automatic bilge siphoning
feature. The bilge siphon is working whenever the engine is
running above idle speeds. Maximum performance of the bilge
siphon is realized above 3000 RPM.
a -
Siphon break
b -
Bilge siphon hose
c -
Bilge water pickup screen
Water exiting the jet pump nozzle creates a suction or vacuum in
the hose attached to the nozzle. The hose is routed to and
positioned in the bilge on the side of the jet tunnel.
The bilge siphon system incorporates a siphon break, which
prevents water from siphoning back into the boat when the engine
is turned off. This siphon break must be located at the highest point
of the hose routing and must be above the waterline.
The siphon break requires periodic inspection to ensure proper
operation. The air hole must remain open and free from obstruction
– 508 mm (0.020 in.).
Warning Horn Signals
When the key switch is turned to the "ON" position, the horn will
turn on for a moment as a test to show the horn is working.