Operation ......................................... 52
System self-test ............................... 53
Displaying (vehicle with steering
wheel buttons) ............................... 178
Displaying (vehicle without steer-
ing wheel buttons) ......................... 172
Setting the display unit (vehicle
with steering wheel but-
tons) .............................................. 186
Setting the display unit (vehicle
without steering wheel buttons) .... 175
Off-road driving
Checklist after driving off-road ...... 141
Important safety notes .................. 139
Rules for driving off-road ............... 140
see Engine oil
On-board computer (vehicle with
steering wheel buttons)
Assistance menu ........................... 183
Audio menu ................................... 181
Date menu ..................................... 187
Display messages .......................... 202
Factory settings ............................. 188
Important safety notes .................. 169
Instrument cluster menu ............... 186
Lights menu ................................... 187
Menu overview .............................. 178
Message memory .......................... 203
Navigation menu ............................ 180
Operating ....................................... 176
Permanent display ......................... 186
Service menu ................................. 185
Setting the date ............................. 187
Setting the display ......................... 186
Setting the display language .......... 186
Setting the language ...................... 186
Setting the time ............................. 187
Settings menu ............................... 186
Standard display ............................ 178
Telephone menu ............................ 182
Time menu ..................................... 187
Trip menu ...................................... 178
Vehicle menu ................................. 188
On-board computer (vehicle with-
out steering wheel buttons)
Coolant temperature display
menu ............................................. 173
Current fuel consumption menu .... 173
Date menu ..................................... 176
Digital speedometer menu ............. 173
Display messages .......................... 189
Distance menu ............................... 172
Factory settings ............................. 174
Important safety notes .................. 169
Menu overview .............................. 172
Message memory .......................... 189
Operating ....................................... 171
Permanent display ......................... 175
Range menu ................................... 173
Setting the date ............................. 176
Setting the display ......................... 175
Setting the display language .......... 174
Setting the language ...................... 174
Setting the time ............................. 176
Settings menu ............................... 174
Standard display menu .................. 172
Time menu ..................................... 176
Trip computer menu ...................... 172
On-board computer (vehicles with
steering wheel buttons)
Displaying the service message ..... 249
On-board computer (vehicles with-
out steering wheel buttons)
Displaying the service message ..... 249
On-board diagnostics interface
see Diagnostics connection
Operating Instructions
Before the first journey .................... 26
Limited Warranty ............................. 26
Operating safety
Limited Warranty ............................. 26
Operating safety and vehicle
Attachments and bodies .................. 31
Changing the engine power out-
put ................................................... 30
Correct use ...................................... 28
Declaration of conformity ................ 30
Equipment and conversions ............. 31
Important safety notes .................... 29