Shut off the gas supply to the valve and shut down the electric supply.
Be careful when removing or tightening the screw on the back of the pressure regulator. The screw location is difficult to
access, and care must be taken to ensure a proper seal when tightened.
W A RNING: Failur e to position the par ts in ac c or danc e with
the se diagr ams or failu r e to use only par ts spe c ific al ly
appr ove d with this applianc e may r e sult in pr ope r ty
damage or pe r sonal injur y.
See Figure 3-12-1: Using a Torx T20 (supplied) or slotted
screwdriver, remove and discard the two pressure-regulator
mounting screws (A); pressure-regulator tower (B); and the spring
and diaphragm assembly (C), if applicable.
See Figure 3-12-Figure 2: Ensure the rubber gasket (D) is properly
positioned. The rubber gasket is pre-fitted as part of assembly (E).
See Figure 3-12-Figures 3 and Figure 3-12-4: Install the new stepper
motor pressure regulator assemble. Use the provided screws (F),
M4 x 0.7 threaded; length of thread L= (16mm + 0
0.5mm), steel
material, resistance class 8.8 (Figure 3-12-5).
Manually thread the two-conversion kit mounting screws into the
valve body. Use a standard screwdriver or T20 Torx bit and tighten
to the screws with a fixing torque of 25lb-in, plus or minus 5.
Note: If the threads of the value are stripped or damaged, replace
the valve.
Install the enclosed identification label (G) to the valve body where
is can be easily seen.
W ar ning: Installation should be c ar r ie d out in a c le an
e nvir onme nt.
W ar ning: This modulating c onve r sion kit must only be
applie d as par t of a c onve r sion kit su pplie d by the fir e plac e
manufac tur e r for spe c ific fir e plac e and type of gas be ing
c onve r te d.
W ar ning: Cor r e c t ope r ation of the syste m c annot be
guar ante e d if the c onve r sion kit or value have be e n
dr oppe d or sustaine d str ong impac t.