Installation manual
Outer wall terminals M-WRG-II ES (-P, -PK), M-WRG-II KSR (-1, -2)
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Meltem Wärmerückgewinnung GmbH & Co. KG
Am Hartholz 4 · D-82239 Alling
[email protected] ·
V E N T I L A T I O N & H E A T R E C O V E R Y
Installing the outer wall terminal
— The unit must be installed in accordance with the generally acknowledged rules of
— Connections with adjacent components must be formed to absorb movements
between the contact surfaces.
Seal any connections that are exposed to driving rain with tapes, profiles or sealants
such that they offer sufficient protection against the expected conditions.
Follow the relevant accident prevention regulations
Follow the accident prevention regulations when setting up the installation location.
Protect the outside area against falling parts.
— We recommend that you wear gloves when installing the stainless steel outer wall
terminal. In this way you will avoid transferring grease from your skin to the outer
wall terminal. Dust and other soiling can then collect on the grease deposits, which
will encourage flash rusting (see also section “7 Cleaning and care instructions” on
Do not remove the protective film from the outer wall terminal until the installation is
The following requirements must be fulfilled before the outer wall terminal is fitted:
— The external wall has been plastered. The plaster forms the windtight layer on the
external wall.
— The ventilation pipes have been shortened to the correct length.
— The ventilation pipes have been pushed into the openings in the installation kit so
that they end flush with the inside of the installation kit.
— The ventilation pipes project to the required length over the external plaster.
— The ventilation pipes have been glued into the facade using permanently elastic
The chamfered edges of the pipe openings have been filled all-round with perma
nently elastic sealant. This will prevent moisture penetrating into the masonry.
— The cut surfaces of the ventilation pipes must be deburred. If this is not the case,
there is a risk that the seals on the outer wall terminal will be damaged.