Calculator can run general/scientific calculation and unit conversion.
General/scientific calculation
Tap the Calculator icon on Home Screen to launch the app. The default page would
be general/scientific calculation page.
Tap on the number pad to switch to scientific calculation; after the calculation
the page will jump back to number pad, or users can tap on scientific page to turn
back to number pad.
Unit conversion
Tap on the bottom bar to switch to unit conversion page.
Exchange rate: For the first time to enter unit conversion page, the default unit
would be exchange rate; tap the national flag to choose currency;
Length: Tap the icons before units to choose unit;
Area: Tap the icons before units to choose unit;
Volume: Tap the icons before units to choose unit;
Weight: Tap the icons before units to choose unit;
Tap on the keypad to activate popup box to choose the conversion type;
Floating mode
Tap on the bottom bar under full screen mode to enter floating mode;
Tap under floating mode to switch back to full screen mode.
App Guide 52