App Guide 38
Radio: Tap 'Channels' and then tap on any radio cover to listen to the radio;
Channels: Tap area other than the play button on the cover to back to Channels;
Channel management: tap to see and organize all the channels.
Contains latest information about everyday recommendations, features and latest
Top charts
All top charts will be displayed by default.
Tap on the chart cover to play the songs on the chart in sequence.
Tap the text on the right side to enter top chart details page.
Include artists or teams from China, Europe, America, Japan and South Korea.
The playlist cover contains 4 functions: play on one-tap, share, collect and
download all.
Personal playlist: the cover contains 'Shuffle play' button and 'Publish playlist'
button; when enter publish page, users can see 2 buttons on the bottom bar:
'Save' and 'Publish';
When successfully published, the cover buttons will be 'Play', 'Share' and 'Edit'.
My Music> Account, users can check account balance and access; users can
also purchase or renew VIP service.