Add songs to Favorites
1. Tap the heart icon on the mini player to add the song to Favorites; or
2. Tap the heart icon on the playing page to add to Favorites.
Delete songs
1. Enter 'All songs' and select the songs users want to delete > tap > tap 'OK';
2. Enter the playlist and select the songs users want to delete > tap to remove
selected songs.
Search for songs
Tap > enter searching frame > input keywords > tap 'Search'.
Update music database
Music files copied to the \Music folder will automatically be added to the music
The speeds of which new songs are added depend mainly on the number of songs.
More songs will need longer time to update.
Tap the gray music control widget on the bottom screen to enter Now Playing
interface; in this interface, users can tap to turn back to the previous interface.
In the music playing interface, choose 'Settings' > 'Stop timer' and then set time.
When attached to a headset or earphone, tap the switch button to activate equalizer
to adjust sound effect.
Dirac HD Sound( same as the equalizer)
My music> Settings> enter 'Dirac HD Sound', plug in the earphones and choose
corresponding model;
Only update via WLAN
Update the music data only under WLAN connection.
App Guide 37
Note: Deleting songs from 'All songs' or drag the songs to the trashcan will lead
to permanent removal of the songs, while deleting songs from playlists will only
lead to removal from the playlist, not from the phone disk.