M571H brings users easy way to browse images, with the support of convenient cloud
gallery and image searching engine.
Tap on the Home screen to enter Gallery to check pictures or videos.
Viewing pictures
In Flyme 4.0, you can view all pictures on the phone in Gallery app, including camera
photos, picture collections and albums that saved in the cloud.
Switch between categories
Slide left or right in the Gallery interface to switch among photos, pictures and cloud
Photos: photos and videos taken by your phone.
Pictures: pictures which can be recognized in the phone disk, including those
pictures generated by third-party apps.
Cloud albums: online photo albums storage service provided by Flyme system.
App Guide 41
Other operations when viewing a picture
1. Tap on the bottom bar to delete the picture
2. Tap on the bottom bar to share the picture;
3. Tap on the bottom bar to polish or beautify the picture;
4. Tap on the bottom bar to add a Memo to the picture or clip, rotate the picture;
you can also set the picture as wallpaper by tapping this icon;
5. Tap on the title banner to check the picture details.
Managing pictures
Categorize the pictures
In the picture list page, all photos would automatically be categorized according to
shooting times and displayed in different color blocks; tap on a color block to fold or
unfold the list.
Viewing pictures
1. Tap an image thumbnail to view the picture;
2. Swipe left or right to view the previous or next photo;
3. When viewing a picture, users can:
double tap to zoom In and double tap again to zoom out;
pinch with two fingers on the screen to zoom in or out;
Manage the pictures in batch
On the picture list page, hold the thumbnail to enter selecting mode; users can choose
multiple pictures to execute operations such as copy, move, delete, share or upload to
cloud albums.