Now you have finished sheeting the wing. Mark off on back of the
wing the ailerons and flaps (If you are going to use them). Using an
ink pen, make your marks. Then mark ½” on each side of the
mark. It is easiest if you use a band saw. Cut away the
ailerons/flaps on the ½” marks. Take a large block sander and
make sure the cut outs are straight. There are several pictures to
show you the steps to follow. Read #16 before you continue.
Now its time to cap the open ends of the wings and ailerons/flaps.
Before you add the ½” balsa, consider where the hinges will be
installed. Inside the back of the wing and aileron/flaps add ½”
scrap balsa in between the ribs at the hinge locations. This will give
you a more solid anchor for the hinges.
Now apply the 1/8” balsa vertical grain to open wing and
aileron/flap. When applying the 1/8” balsa ends make sure that you
sand enough off the ends so that the aileron/flap will not stick out
from the edge of the wing. Then apply the ½” balsa to the back of
the wing and front of the aileron/flaps. Now slide the aileron/flap
back into place and sand to match the wing.
Before you hinge the aileron/flap go ahead and add the ½” leading
edge and the wing tip. I find the leading edge is done the best if you
place a centerline down the entire length of the leading edge. Then
razor plane away the excess balsa. Sand back to shape. While
sanding try and leave the line you drew. Sand the entire wing and
get ready for the fiber-glassing procedure.
Hinge your aileron/flap.
I choose to cut out the wing before cutting and removing the access
doors for the retracts. If you do this, when the wing is glassed go
slowly and reinstall the retract uppers, then put the legs back on
and cut the openings for the leg and wheels.